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Brampton Bramalea Kwik Kab has one of the largest fleets in Brampton, with 115+ taxis, including vans. All taxi drivers are licenced by the City of Brampton. Licences are renewed on a yearly basis according to birth date, at which time a criminal search is conducted. Our drivers are completely bondable. Brampton Bramalea Kwik Kab follows the following tariffs for taxis fares as outlined by the Brampton Licencing Commission.

Based on Distance

Based on Distance

$4.25 for the first 141 meters

$0.25 for each additional 141 meters or part thereof

$0.25 for each 30 seconds of waiting time under engagement, or $30.00/hour

Waiting Rates

Hourly Waiting Rates

$20 for the first hour or part thereof

$5 for the additional 15 minutes

Corporate Accounts

Flat rates can be arranged for all out of town destinations

Easy end-of-the-month billing

One-time-only accounts are available for special events

Flat Rates

For airport flat rates, CLICK HERE

Out-of-town flat rates available

*G.S.T. is included in every fare.

*These rates are subject to change as legislated by the Licensing Department for the City of Brampton.

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